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September 11, 2020 2 min read

Believe it or not, facial hair can be integral to your professional success. Yes, you heard correctly. Your morning choice of whether to shave your face or let your stubble grow can be the difference between getting the position you really want or letting some other guy take it from you.

 Beards are directly associated with masculinity and maturity, and older men often sport full facial hair, so it has come to represent many of the things employers look for.

 Let’s talk about four reasons a beard can help you be more successful in your professional life.

  1. You will be perceived as mature and reliable. Because beards don’t start growing until after puberty, beards are the ultimate symbol of age, and with age comes reliability. In the workforce, employers aren’t looking for a person who will leave the position quickly. They’re looking for a long-term employee to fit into their workplace, and having a beard is a quick way to establish your maturity in that way.
  2. It takes patience and self-discipline to maintain a beard. Beards don’t grow overnight, and a person who has the patience to grow and maintain facial hair is a person who has the self-discipline to get the job done. Employers are always looking for someone willing to take the reins and work without having to be micromanaged, and a person who has already established that they possess both patience and self-discipline is a win-win for any company.
  3. Men with beards are seen as more assertive. Researchers aren’t entirely sure why, but men with beards are often seen as more assertive than men without them. This perceived assertiveness is ideal for a workplace environment, especially if you are looking for managerial or C-level employment. These types of positions require someone willing to speak for themselves and take charge of situations.
  4. You will appear more confident and self-assured. Finally, having a well-kept beard will make you appear more confident and self-assured. In fact, having a well-kept beard will increase your own perception of yourself. There’s just something about sporting a beard that makes you stand up straighter and taller. If you’re struggling with a patchy or greying beard, consider investing in beard filler to achieve the ideal beard shape you want.

 While not every employer allows their employees to have beards and facial hair, the places that do allow beards tend to favor applicants that have them. A man with a good looking beard is seen as more mature, reliable, and self-disciplined, which are all the traits employers look for.

 However, having a scraggly, untrimmed beard can backfire. If you’re going to sport a beard, you need to make sure it is well trimmed, well-maintained, and clean, or else you could be doing yourself more harm than good.

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