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July 24, 2020 2 min read

People's opinions on beards are all over the place. Some people love them, some people hate them, and some people think they look messy and unkempt. This view isn't any different for women, but research shows that, for the most part, women prefer some type of beard over a clean-shaven man.

  1. They prefer heavy (10-day) stubble over anything else. Studies show that for women, all beards aren't created equally. The vast majority of women prefer heavy stubble, or 10-day stubble, over any other type of facial hair. Light stubble comes in second place, and a full beard comes in third with clean-shaven being last on the list.
  2. Beards are a symbol of commitment.For whatever reason, the type of bear you have says something about the kind of commitment you are willing to engage in. Men with light stubble are seen as less serious and more likely to engage in short-term relationships than men who are sporting heavy stubble or a full beard. So, if you are looking for a long-term relationship, your best bet is to let your beard hair grow.
  3. Women like beards more than mustaches.A survey of over 2,000 women found that, out of the women who said they appreciate facial hair, 50% percent prefer both a mustache and a beard. Around 43% of women prefer just the beard alone, and only 6% of women prefer the mustache alone.
  4. They find beards very masculine.It's no secret that a heterosexual woman would be attracted to masculinity, and beards are the ultimate symbol of it. Women consider men who have facial hair to be more confident, industrious, generous, and more sincere than men who don’t.
  5. Beards feel good against their skin. Last but not least, women like the feel of a well-kept, soft beard against their skin. You can use your imagination as to where, but utilizing the right grooming techniques and having a well-trimmed, smooth beard is a major turn-on for a beard-loving woman.

 Women have many opinions on beards, but most of them skew favorably towards men who have them. Men sporting heavy stubble are seen as confident, masculine, and more sincere than those who have light stubble or a clean-shaven face. Women also perceive men with beards to be better fathers and are more likely to settle down with them over other men.

 Most importantly, however, women tend to be drawn to beards because they are often an uncommon sight. They like the exclusivity of the beard and the perceived status that comes with it. On the other hand, if you are in a place where everyone has a full beard, it has the opposite effect, and you're better off sticking to a heavy or light stubble look.

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